You can save your favorite recipes (or recipes you can’t wait to try) within our Cookbook! To Save recipes, tap on the bookmark icon at the top of the recipe card. This will save that recipe to your Saved Recipes.
You can follow the App or Desktop + Mobile browser steps below to view all of your saved recipes:
1. Click on RECIPES within the Shop Tab
2. Click the filter button, and select SAVED RECIPES
3. Click DONE.
Desktop + Mobile browser:
1. Click SAVED RECIPES within the Filters section of the Cookbook.
2. Click APPLY. This will show all of your saved recipes.
Looking for a recipe you loved from last week? You can find the recipes from your most recent delivery on your Delivered page under Your Meal Plan. Recipes from previous weeks can be found on your Order History page. Just click on ORDER SLIP beneath the order number.