*All changes must be made before 7pm ET (4pm PT) the Monday or Thursday before your upcoming delivery. To see what day your next delivery will be finalized, head to My Hungryroot.
You can update your dietary needs, grocery frequency, and other preferences in your Food Profile anytime
Click on the Profile icon at the bottom.
Select Dietary Settings.
Click on Dietary Needs to select the preferences you'd like to add and/or remove. Then click update at the bottom. A message will appear to confirm your future deliveries (this includes your upcoming delivery as well) will be reset to match your updated preferences. Click OK to confirm.
Click on Protein Preferences to update the types of proteins you’d prefer. Make your changes and click the arrow at the top left corner to save.
Click on Taste for Adventure to tell us if you’re interested in the exciting foods listed. Click the arrow at the top left corner to save.
Click on Recipe Preferences to update the types of dishes you'd like to receive. Make your changes and click the arrow at the top left corner to save.
To update your ratings for individual grocery items in your Food Profile, click the Profile icon at the bottom. Then select Frequency Settings on the following screen. Click on the new rating you'd like to apply to the item. When you select Never for an item, a pop-up will appear below letting you know we'll adjust your box within 24 hours to remove any items marked as Never.
To Update your ‘Never’ Frequency on iOS
Click on the ‘Shop’ tab
Select ‘Groceries’
Using the search bar, type the name of the grocery item
Click on the item
Scroll down, and you’ll see ‘How often should we send this?’
Select your desired frequency
Desktop + Mobile browser:
On desktop head to your Food Profile. On mobile browser, click Profile then Food Profile.
Click on Dietary Needs to select the preferences you'd like to add and/or remove. Then click Update preferences. A message will appear to confirm your future deliveries (this includes your upcoming delivery as well) will be reset to match your updated preferences. Click OK to confirm.
Click on Nutrition to select the preferences you'd like to add and/or remove. Your updated preferences will be saved.
Click on Cuisines to update the types of dishes you'd like to receive. Just give a thumbs up or thumbs down next to each cuisine accordingly.
Click on Flavors to tell us how spicy you like your food along with any other flavors you enjoy.
Click on Protein Preferences to update the types of proteins you’d prefer. Make your changes and click UPDATE to save.
Click on Dislikes to select any ingredients you don’t care for. We’ll do our best to make sure you don’t receive them.
Click on Taste for Adventure to tell us if you’re interested in the exciting foods listed. Click UPDATE to save.
You can also change your ratings for individual grocery items on your Food Profile. All you need to do is click on the new rating you'd like to apply to the item. When you select Never for an item, a green pop-up will appear below letting you know we'll adjust your box within 24 hours to remove any items marked as Never.